BeautyDegrade and @benedictaseruni promise to deliver unbiased & honest product reviews without any intentions to defame any brands/ companies.
All reviews are completely based on personal opinions after testing products for a certain period of time.
It's strongly suggested that you consult your dermatologists before trying any products that are reviewed on this blog. Some products might not suit certain demographics.
It's suggested that readers consult the Agency for Drug & Food Control (BPOM) or any equivalent institution before purchasing products reviewed/mentioned on BeautyDegrade or @benedictaseruni.
PR, Endorsement, Paid Content Policies
Reach out to beautydegrade@gmail.com or simply DM @benedictaseruni on Instagram for product reviews & content placements.
Beauty Degrade isn't going to review any rip-off/fake products, and products without ingredient lists.
Brands that are waiting for safety and distribution approval should note that @benedictaseruni and BeautyDegrade might disclose the information for knowledge purposes when necessary.
Any kind of conflict or dispute shall be solved in peaceful settlements.
By agreeing to work with @benedictaseruni and BeautyDegrade, brands don't object to all policies stated.
All photographs are taken by BeautyDegrade and @benedictaseruni unless stated otherwise.
Brands are welcome to use any photographs but have to give credit to @benedictaseruni or BeautyDegrade.
Using any BeautyDegrade/Benedicta Seruni's Instagram photographs as promotion materials without crediting BeautyDegrade/Benedicta Seruni is not allowed without permission.
Last updated on Monday, 16 May 2022