Local Brush Wins My Heart

Reine Doll brushes from L- R, crease, pencil , flat contour

If previously I talked about local lipsticks, today it's all about local brand brush which is too good to be true.

Planning to buy some Morphe eye brushes, but due to limited selection here, I planned to buy ecotools eye enhancing duo set till I randomly found Reine Brush Instagram, watched Suhay Salim- All about Make-up Brushes , finally ordered their brushes through their Line account and am blown away by the quality.

So there are three brushes that I ordered, the crease brush which can be used to tap the eyeshadow on your eyelids and blend the harsh line on your crease, the pencil brush which isn't the smallest pencil brush I ever have, but is really good to define your crease area, and flat contour brush that I haven't used yet, which is designed to define your cheekbones.

I am totally impressed by the quality, they are super soft, synthetic brushes which means you can use it for both cream and powder products and the bonus point is they are cruelty-free.

The concealer brush is on my next month wish list and I am waiting for its newest collection.

If you are in a hunt of make-up brushes, go check their Instagram and place your order now.

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